Autumn Week 5
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 1:34pm
The children in FS1 have had a very busy week! We have started our Maths learning, taking part in a carpet time each day which has focused on counting and finding numbers. The children are enjoying working with the number blocks and spotting patterns of numbers and have all joined in enthusiatically! We have also started our Phonics phase 1 learning - focusing on listening and identifying sounds in our enviroment. We have loved our Dough Disco sessions where we have used our muscles in our hands to squeeze, stretch and roll the dough to one of our favourite songs 'Let's move it'. These sessions are really important as they will strenghten our muscles ready for writing. We have also been working on developing our gross and fine motor skills, with dough disco, riding on the bikes and scooters and practicing with bat's and balls, alongside sweeping and digging. We have also started to think about the season changing, noticing that leaves are starting to fall and change colour. Lots of us could talk about some 'Autumn' changes and some this is something we have been looking at in detail this week. We have been looking for conkers and at the different coloured leaves on our exploration table and we've even tried a Autumn dance alongside our Autumn songs. Can you remember what our songs are? The children have also had time to explore the continuous provision, lots of us have enjoyed exploring the small world area, as well as drawing, painting and building!
We are so proud of your children and how settled they are in FS1!