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Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Burgess


Mrs Rees

Learning Support Assistant and Extended School

Welcome to Year 2!

Throughout the year pupils will cover four topics: Comparing the UK and Kenya, Fire! Fire!, Riotous Royalty and Oh! I do like to be beside the Seaside.

Within these, they will take part in a range of lessons to develop their knowledge and understanding including Art, DT, History and Geography. They also look at different areas of Science including: Living Things and their Habitats, Plants, Animals including Humans and Uses of Every Day Materials.

Over the year we go on a number of educational visits linked to our areas of study including: a local walk, a visit from Yorkshire owl Experience, the National Emergency Services Museum in Sheffield as well as a trip to the seaside and an ice cream. Yummy!


Things you need to know:

  • Spellings are taught in school using Spelling Shed. Please make sure you use the app or the website - there are lots of games to help you learn your spellings! (Your log in details will be in your planner).
  • Grid homework is given out at the beginning of each topic. 
  • Our PE days are Monday and Thursday every week - please have your PE kt in school for these days.
  • Bring your planner to school every day to support your learning in class.
  • You will get a reading book pack each week. There will be a variety of books in it to read throughout the week. (Look in your planner for your book change day). Grown ups - please try to read for 5-10 minutes every day and sign your child's planner each time you do so. Please don't read all the books in one go - we are trying to build good reading habits! 
  • Library book day is Thursday.
  • Practice your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Don’t forget to use the TTRockstars app and challenge your friends (the username and password is in your planner).
  • PurpleMash can also be accessed at home to support literacy, numeracy and topic areas (the username and password is in your planner).

Overview of study 2022 snip.png

Please click on the pictures below to see the Age Related Expectations your child should be working towards by the end of year 2


online 0-5.JPG

Files to Download

Year 2: Blog items

Sports Day, by Miss Bainbridge

Year 2: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 2: Events items

There are no Events items to display

Contact Us

Heather Garth Primary Academy

Billingley View
S63 8ES

01709 894149

[email protected]

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