Year 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Burgess
Miss Decarolis
Learning Support Assistant
Welcome to Year 2!
Throughout the year pupils will cover four themes: Comparing the UK and Kenya, Fire! Fire!, Riotous Royalty and Oh! I do like to be beside the Seaside.
Within these, we will take part in a range of lessons to develop our knowledge and understanding including Art, DT, History and Geography. We will also look at different areas of Science including: Living Things and their Habitats, Plants, Animals including Humans and Uses of Every Day Materials.
Over the year we go on a number of educational visits linked to our areas of study including: a local walk, a visit from Yorkshire Owl Experience, the National Emergency Services Museum in Sheffield as well as a trip to the seaside and an ice cream. Yummy!
Things you need to know:
- Spellings are taught in school using Spelling Shed. Please make sure you use the app or the free website - there are lots of games to help you learn your spellings! (Your log in details will be in your planner).
- Grid homework is given out at the beginning of each term.
- Our PE days in Autumn Term are Monday and Thursday every week. In Spring and Summer Term, PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday every week- please have your PE kit in school for these days.
- Bring your planner to school every day to support your learning in class.
- You will get a reading book pack each week linked to your phonics phase. There will be a variety of books in it to read throughout the week. (Look in your planner for your book change day). Grown ups - please try to read for 5-10 minutes every day and sign your child's planner each time you do so. Please don't read all the books in one go - we are trying to build good reading habits! If you are reading colour books, you will only bring one book home at a time but you can change it every day or as soon as you have read it! All children need to have read 4 times each week to have a raffle ticket in our weekly prize draw!
- Library book day is Tuesday.
- Practice your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Don’t forget to use the TTRockstars app and challenge your friends (the username and password is in your planner).
Files to Download
Year 2: Blog items
Homework!, by Mrs Burgess
Science Investigation, by Mrs Burgess
Happy birthday to ......., by Ms Winnard