Progression Maps
Progression maps show what is taught in each year group and how new learning is built upon over EYFS, KS1 and KS2. The progression maps are structured using the topic headings as they appear in the National Curriculum. Each of the above categories are then divided into sub categories to illustrate progression in key areas
Files to Download
1 Number - Place Value Progression Map.pdf 2 Number - Addition and Subtraction Progression Map.pdf 3 Number - Multiplication and Division Progression Map.pdf 5 Ratio and Proportion Progression Map.pdf 7 Measurement Progression Map .pdf 4 Number - Fractions Progression Map (including Decimals and Percentages).pdf 6 Algebra Progression Map.pdf 8 Geometry properties of shapes Progression Map.pdf 9 Geometry posistion direction and movement Progression Map .pdf 10 Statistics Progression Map .pdf