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Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Bower

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Carr

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Brown

Learning Support Assistant



Welcome to Year 6, the final year!

At Heather Garth, Year 6 is a special year where we take challenges and broaden our horizons. We work hard to achieve our goals and leave Heather Garth ready and excited for secondary school.

We start the year learning about World War II and the events that led to its outbreak. We look at the Blitz and how this affected people. We will learn about what it was it like for those who were evacuated during WWII and how the role of woman changed during the war. Finally, we look at the legacy the war has had on Britain today.

 After the half term break, we learn about the Ancient Benin Kingdom and how this kingdom compared to Britain at the same time period. We look at the lives of the rich and how they compared to those of ordinary people. Trade is explored and the reasons why it was important to the expansion of the Benin Empire. Finally, we look at the reasons behind the decline of this empire.

After Christmas, we study the world’s climate zones and biomes. We look at what climate change is and it’s causes. To end this geographical unit, we look at the part we all can play in protecting our planet.

Our next area of study is More Monarchs where we learn about some of the significant men and women why have ruled our country. We look at why William the Conqueror succeeded in becoming King.  We ask the question, was King John a great king because he gave us the Magna Carta. We look at the reasons why King Henry VIII married six times and investigate the importance of Queen Anne in creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

As the Summer term approaches, we take advantage of our school grounds and local environment to hone our fieldwork and mapping skills ready for starting secondary school. We look closely at the information given by atlases; symbols on OS maps; how we can use the 8-point compass for directions and how we use grid references to locate places on a map.

As the Summer term ends, we look ahead to the future and take part in transition programmes to ensure we are prepared for the next step.  The Building Futures topic begins by looking at the jobs we would like to do when we leave school, researching what we need to do including qualifications, experience and personal qualities. We are lucky enough to be visited by a number of people who share their career stories with us. This give Year 6 a great insight into the many careers out there as well as what it takes to be successful.

We also taken part in an Enterprise project where we form our own companies, either creating products or offering a service. The project gives Year 6 a great opportunity to learn about enterprise and areas such as; budgeting, finance, marketing and most importantly team work.


Things you need to know:

  • Spellings are set on Spelling Shed each Friday and pupils practise them througout the week. 
  • Maths and literacy homework based on what has been taught that week, is given out on Fridays and is due back on the following Wednesday. 
  • Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday each week. Please have your PE kit every single day.
  • Our Library day is on a Monday.
  • Bring you planner to school every day.
  • Read at least four times a week and sign your planner each time you do so.
  • Complete a book review once a week – you will be given a day that this will be checked by Mrs Brown.
  • Practice your timetables at least 4 times a week. Don’t forget to use the TTRockstars app!

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Please go to the Curriculum page to find out more about each subject.



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Contact Us

Heather Garth Primary Academy

Billingley View
S63 8ES

01709 894149

[email protected]

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