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Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mrs Bower

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Brown

Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Carr

Assistant Headteacher

Welcome to Year 6!

We have an exciting year planned, with some amazing activities for our Year 6 children to enjoy.  This year is especially important, as it is the year where we will be preparing all of our Year 6 children for their transition into secondary school.

During the Autumn term, in our History lessons we will be learning about WW2, where we will have the opportunity to take part in an educational visit to Cannon Hall Museum and learn about what life really was like during that time.  

Other areas we will look forward to learning about are ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ in Science, ‘Climate Change and Sustainability’ in Geography and in our D.T. lessons, we will be ‘Making stuffed Toys’, where the children will be able to show off their sewing skills.  Later in the year, children will also have the opportunity to enjoy learning about ‘Musical effects and Moods’ in their music lessons.  There will be lots to look forward to!

Throughout the year, we will have the opportunity to read some wonderful books.  Some of these include ‘Private Peaceful’ by Michael Murpurgo, ‘The Final Year’ by Matt Goodfellow and ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ by Onjali Q. Rauf.

Finally, towards the end of the year, Class 6 will be taking part in an ‘Enterprise Project’, where children will form their own companies, learn how to create their own products and deliver services.  This project provides Year 6 children with a valuable opportunity to learn about enterprise and other important aspects required in real life, such as budgeting, finance, marketing and team work.

Most importantly, have fun and try your best!


Things you need to know:

  • Our PE days are:
  • Autumn Term - Monday and Friday
  • Spring Term - Wednesday and Friday
  • Summer Term - Thursday and Friday
  • Children are expected to read at least four times a week. Please make sure planners are signed every time your child reads at home. 
  • A book review is expected to be completed once a week. This will be relating to your child’s reading book. A day will be allocated for when this is to be handed in and checked by Mrs Brown.
  • Make sure planners are brought into school every day to support your child’s learning in class.
  • Homework will be sent home on a Friday and it is expected to be returned by the following Thursday. Homework will consist of Maths, Literacy and weekly spellings.  There will also be additional homework relating to the wider curriculum, which your child may enjoy completing.
  • Spellings are set on Spelling Shed each week. Spellings will be given out each Friday and tested the following Friday. Pupils are expected to practise these throughout the week.
  • Children in Year 6 will be able to choose a library book to take home each week. The day for Year 6 library will be on a Tuesday.
  • Children are expected to practise their timetables at least four times per week. Remember to use the TTRockstars app to help with this!

Please go to the Curriculum page to find out more about each subject.



online 6-10.JPG

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Contact Us

Heather Garth Primary Academy

Billingley View
S63 8ES

01709 894149

[email protected]

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