Year 6: Blog items
Sleeping Beauty at the Lamproom, by Mrs Little
KS2 Fun in the snow!, by Mrs Little
PTA movie night 1, by Miss Walker
Celebration Learning Day -Green Top Circus Centre - Y5 & 6, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs
Year 6 Enterprise Day 2, by Mrs Bower
Y6 Enterprise, by Mrs Bower
Sports Day, by Miss Bainbridge
Year 6 Wentworth Woodhouse Tour and Writing Workshop, by Mrs Bower
Y6 Police Career Visit, by Mrs Bower
They've FINALLY arrived- Leaver's Hoodies, by Mrs Carr
80th Anniversary of D- Day, by Mrs Carr
Choir performance?, by Mrs Little
Y6 Creating. Steady Hand Game, by Mrs Bower
Year 6 QR Code Treasure Hunt, by Mrs Bower
Year 6 Easter Egg Competition, by Mrs Bower
Year 6 Microbits, by Mrs Bower
Year 6 World Book Day, by Mrs Bower
World Book Day, by Mrs Little
Barnsley Council Recycle Competition, by Miss Walker
Choir!, by Mrs Burgess
Year 6 trip to Drax, by Mrs Bower
Reviewing Science Books, by Miss Walker
Y6 Crucial Crew Mrs CARR’s group- afternoon sessions, by Mrs Carr
Y6 Crucial Crew Mrs Bower Afternoon Activities, by Mrs Bower
Y6 Crucial Crew Mrs Bower’s Group Morning Activities, by Mrs Bower