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Parental Engagement

Coffee Mornings
Coffee mornings are open to everyone and are held in the Nursery building between 8:45 am and 10:00 am on Wednesday morning. Toast. tea and coffee are on sale and there is also a raffle and lottery available.  Please contact Julie Quinn or Paula Bennett for more information.

Parent and Toddlers
Sessions are open to all mums, dads and carers and are held in the Nursery building between 8:30 am and    10:30 am on a Tuesday morning.

Craft Sessions
A variety of craft sessions are held once every half term in the Nursery buiding after school between 3:00 pm          and 4:00 pm.  Information and places for these sessions will be given in advance.

Learning with your Child Sessions
Mums, dads and carers are invited into school once a term by their child's class to take apart in a variety of activities linked to their learning. Notification of these days are given well in advance. 

Parent Teacher Association
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a partnership between parents and educators who strive to enhance pupil learning and enrich the lives of the pupils within Heather Garth.  We are a newly formed group and welcome mums, dads and carers to join with us in enhancing our childrens' experiences.  Please contact Paula Bennett and Lauren Walker for more information.

Contact Us

Heather Garth Primary Academy

Billingley View
S63 8ES

01709 894149

[email protected]

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