Diwali in FS
Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 12:49pm
This week we have been super busy in FS1. We have been learning all about the Festival of Diwali. This is the festival of lights so we have been busy creating Diya’s in clay, Rangoli patterns to welcome good luck and designing our own Mendhi hand patterns. We have also learnt about what other festivals and celebrations we celebrate.
In phonics we have been listening to the sounds around us and how they are different. We have also been learning some tongue twisters that start with the same sound like Lazy lions like lettuce for lunch and have been identifying the sounds at the beginning.
We have also been talking about what we might see at the weekend and we have learning all about Firework Safety - for more information please follow the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/15357129
Thank you for all your lovely news about what you were up to in the holidays. It’s been wonderful to hear and share with the children.