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Easter Crafts PTA

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 10:46am

On behalf of the PTA, thank you so much to all the children who have shown an interest in attending the Easter craft sessions. Letters have now been sent to the children who we were able to offer places to and an apology to those who were unsuccessful this time. These names have been noted for future events. 

If your child has received a place can we please ask that the money is sent ASAP so that it can be collected before the session. 

We do hope to be able to offer more events and sessions to the children in the future, but we do need your help! If you think you would like to be involved in the PTA or could offer to help with certain activities please do let us know. We can't offer more without the parents support. Please see Mrs Bennet or Miss Walker (year 3) to register your interest. 

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Heather Garth Primary Academy

Billingley View
S63 8ES

01709 894149

[email protected]

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