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Year 4 Home Learning Grid. Summer 2 week 6 06.07.20

Date: 6th Jul 2020 @ 7:18am

Good morning Year 4,

I hope that you are all fit and well and keeping safe. This weeks literacy is all about play scripts as the Greeks loved going to the theatre, maybe you could act out your play script once you have written it! The topic this week is all based on keeping safe on the internet, don't forget to include all of the things that you have learnt in the lessons you have had at school.

Please remind your grownups that they can come and collect your reports, books slippers etc tomorrow (Tuesday between 11am and 12pm) or on Thursday (12.45pm-1.30pm). It would be lovely to see you, maybe you could come and collect your things with them?

Hope to see you tomorrow or Thursday,

Love Mrs Little x

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