Year 6 WWII Trip to Cannon Hall Farm
Date: 2nd Oct 2023 @ 4:08pm
Year 6 had a fantastic day today at Cannon Hall Museum learning all about WWII. Children took part in four workshops.
Rationing in Action
Children cooked up some tasty carrot biscuits using an authentic WWII recipe. The children also found out about what was rationed.
Get the Message
Children sent messages using Morse code - the basis of telegraph messages. Children also looked at war time posters and newspapers to find out key messages and began to create their own properganda posters.
Make Do and Mend
Children learned how people recycled many things during WWII. They began to create their own rug rag which we have brought back into school to complete.
Children explored traditional WWII games and played a variety of board games together.
Children were a real credit to our school and were complimented by all of the staff at the museum.
Well done Year 6!