Year 4: Blog items
Viking Long Boat Art, by Mrs Little
Year 4 Orienteering event at the Dearne, by Mrs Little
Viking long boat parent session., by Mrs Little
RE reincarnation work., by Mrs Little
Cone courses, by Mrs Little
Choir performance?, by Mrs Little
Swimming achievements., by Mrs Little
Games club fun, by Mrs Little
Outdoor adventurous actvities, by Mrs Little
Viking history to life day., by Mrs Little
PE Outdoor adventurous activities, by Mrs Little
Year 4 Easter Egg Competition Entries, by Mrs Little
Creating webpages, by Mrs Little
Fantastic sound leaflet homework., by Mrs Little
World Book Day, by Mrs Little
Year 4 drop and read,, by Mrs Little
Pan pipe challenge, by Mrs Little
Anglo-Saxon research, by Mrs Little
Barnsley Council Recycle Competition, by Miss Walker
Art inspired by Magdalene Odundo, by Mrs Little
Choir!, by Mrs Burgess
Roman clay pot parent session, by Mrs Little
Electrical conductors and insulators experiment., by Mrs Little
Complete and incomplete simple series circuits, by Mrs Little