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Year 5: Blog items

Year 5 - Art, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs

Year 5 - Pe - Hockey Attack vs Defence, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs

Year 5 - Geography Research, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs

Year 5 - PE, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs

Year 5 - To search the web effectively, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs

Year 5 - Geography - Mapping, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs

Year 5 - PE - Hockey, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs

Year 5- Day 1 - Hard at work,, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs

Celebration Day - Year 5, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs

Dance Show, by Mrs Bower

Year 5 - DT - Bridges, by Mrs Driffield-Mobbs

Year 5 - Building Bridges, by Miss Driffield

Year 5 - Cricket Afternoon, by Miss Driffield

Year 5 - Independent Writing, by Miss Driffield

Year 5 - Lego Coding Video, by Miss Driffield

Year 5 - Bikeability Group 2, by Miss Driffield

Year 5 - Group 1 Bikeability, by Miss Driffield

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Heather Garth Primary Academy

Billingley View
S63 8ES

01709 894149

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