Year 5: Blog items
Raffle Prizes, by Mrs Little
Year 5 and Year 6 Christmas Play, by Mrs Bower
STEM advent calendar, by Miss Walker
Year 5 - Geography - Fairtrade, by Miss Driffield
Y5 and Y6 Cooking Club, by Mrs Lancaster
Y5 and Y6 Cooking Club, by Mrs Lancaster
British Science Association Crest Awards, by Mrs Little
Year 5 - Remembrance, by Miss Driffield
Year 5 - Role Play Drama, by Miss Driffield
PTA disco KS2, by Miss Walker
Year 5 - Earth & Space, by Miss Driffield
Year 5 - Art Printing - William Morris inspired, by Miss Driffield
Year 5 - Researching the achievements of the Ancient Maya, by Miss Driffield
Year 5 - History - Where & when did the Maya live?, by Miss Driffield
Year 5 - Working hard in maths, by Miss Driffield
Blue Peter Badge, by Mrs Little
Year 5 - Drafts for Christmas Cards, by Miss Driffield
Celebration of learning session 4, by Mrs Little
Celebration of learning session 3, by Mrs Little
Celebration of learning session 2, by Mrs Little
Celebration of learning session 1, by Mrs Little
Guess the weight of the cake, by Mrs Bower
Gold Learner Celebration Evening, by Mrs Little
Sports day picnic, by Mrs Little
Year 5 Sports Day, by Miss Driffield