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Year 6: Blog items

Year 6 World Book Day, by Mrs Bower

Year 6 Wartime Visitor, by Mrs Bower

Year 6 Got Talent, by Mrs Bower

Beak Investigation, by Mrs Bower

Polar Animal Collage, by Mrs Bower

Christmas Dinner, by Ms Winnard

Year 6 Crucial Crew, by Mrs Bower

Year 6 Electricity, by Mrs Bower

Year 6 Creating Quizzes, by Mrs Bower

Year 6 Dance Workshop, by Mrs Bower

Year 6 Periscopes, by Mrs Bower

Lighthouse Sunsets, by Mrs Bower

Year 6 The Blitz, by Mrs Bower

Year 6 Sunset Art, by Mrs Bower

Robinwood 2021, by Miss Little

Wave Day 3, by Mrs Bower

Whirlpool Day 3, by Mrs Bower

Ocean group day 3, by Miss Little

Wave Day 2, by Mrs Bower

Wave Day 1, by Mrs Bower

Ocean group day 2, by Miss Little

Whirlpool Day 2, by Mrs Bower

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Heather Garth Primary Academy

Billingley View
S63 8ES

01709 894149

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