Year 3: Blog items
Eco Council Big Bird Watch, by Miss Walker
Snow Day Activities, by Mrs Bower
Y3 and Y4 party time!, by Mrs Little
Stone Age cave art tiles, by Mrs Little
Sleeping Beauty at the Lamproom, by Mrs Little
Year 3 and 4 Christmas Card Entries, by Mrs Bower
Stone Age artist knowledge pages, by Mrs Little
Science investigation, by Mrs Little
Stone Age parent session, by Mrs Little
Year 3 History to Life - Stone Age to Iron Age day, by Mrs Little
KS2 Fun in the snow!, by Mrs Little
Dance lesson 1, by Mrs Little
Learning how to ‘tinker’ on Scratch., by Mrs Little
Year 3 cursive handwriting name display., by Mrs Little
Year 3 attacking and defending in hockey., by Mrs Little
Christian Artifact Sketches, by Mrs Little
Computing systems and networks, by Mrs Little
Year 3 drawing Christian Artefacts, by Mrs Little
Year 3 learn how to use the push pass in hockey., by Mrs Little
Year 3 Hockey, by Mrs Little
We are Year 3!, by Mrs Little
Circus Skills, by Miss Walker