Year 3: Blog items
PTA disco Y1, 2, 3, by Miss Walker
DT in Year 3, by Miss Walker
Food from different climate zones, by Miss Walker
Times Tables, by Miss Walker
Cooking in Year 3, by Miss Walker
Science in Year 3, by Miss Walker
Well Done for Week 1, by Miss Walker
Blue Peter Badge, by Mrs Little
Celebration of learning session 4, by Mrs Little
Celebration of learning session 3, by Mrs Little
Celebration of learning session 2, by Mrs Little
Celebration of learning session 1, by Mrs Little
Guess the weight of the cake, by Mrs Bower
Gold Learner Celebration Evening, by Mrs Little
Sports day picnic, by Mrs Little
Year 3 sports day, by Mrs Little
Parent Session Year 3, by Miss Walker
Countdown Maths Challenge, by Miss Walker
Year 3 Science with shadows, by Miss Walker
Morrison, by Miss Walker
Science Club, by Miss Walker
Year 3 Well-being, by Miss Walker
Jubilee PTA sales, by Miss Walker
Queen Elizabeth, by Mrs Little
FS1 to Year 6 Queen Elizabeth Portraits, by Mrs Little