Year 2: Blog items
Celebration of learning session 1, by Mrs Little
Guess the weight of the cake, by Mrs Bower
Gold Learner Celebration Evening, by Mrs Little
Sports day picnic, by Mrs Little
Year 2 Sports Day!, by Mrs Burgess
Homework Grid, by Mrs Burgess
Temperature, by Mrs Burgess
Y2 Parent session, by Mrs Burgess
Morrison, by Miss Walker
Trip to Cleethorpes, by Mrs Burgess
Jubilee PTA sales, by Miss Walker
Queen Elizabeth, by Mrs Little
FS1 to Year 6 Queen Elizabeth Portraits, by Mrs Little
RE - Jewish Mezuzahs, by Mrs Burgess
Queen Elizabeth portraits., by Mrs Little
Smoothies, by Mrs Burgess
SShhhh....Secret Agents, by Mrs Burgess
Jubilee Raffle, by Miss Walker
Art work, by Mrs Burgess
Geography, by Mrs Burgess
Homework grid, by Mrs Burgess
Oooh-aaargh mi hearties!, by Mrs Burgess
Measuring, by Mrs Burgess
Easter Egg Hunt, by Mrs Burgess
Year 2 Easter Egg Competition!, by Mrs Burgess