Year 2: Blog items
Cardboard Face Art , by Mrs Bower
TT Rock Star Champions, by Mrs Bower
Keeping Busy, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Shape Quiz, by Mrs Lancaster
Hello Year 2, by Mrs Lancaster
TT Rock Star Champions, by Mrs Bower
Year 2 Additional PurpleMash Activities, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 PurpleMash, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Science- How do seeds grow into mature plants?, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Maths- Recognising 2-D and 3-D Shapes, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Science- Living Processes, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Fantastic Mr Fox Character Descriptions, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Victorian Kitchen Visit- Cannon Hall Museum, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Tudor Style Portraits, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Lowry inspired Calendars , by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Tudor Houses Parent Session, by Mrs Lancaster
Science Investigation- The effects of heat, by Mrs Lancaster
Great Fire of London Artwork, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 History Timelines, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Imperative Verbs, by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 African inspired tie dying , by Mrs Lancaster
Year 2 Comparing Kenya Homework, by Mrs Lancaster