Foundation Stage 2: Blog items
Great progress in Maths and Literacy, by Mr Fisher
Pancake Day, by Mrs Roach
World Book Day, by Mr Fisher
Great half term, by Mr Fisher
We love to read and write!, by Mr Fisher
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Roach
Cinderella's Wedding, by Mr Fisher
Weddings..., by Mr Fisher
More photos of independent learning..., by Mr Fisher
Amazing progress..., by Mr Fisher
Varied learning opportunities..., by Mr Fisher
Great first 2 weeks back..., by Mr Fisher
Christmas Fun in Foundation Stage, by Mrs Roach
Getting ready for Christmas...., by Mr Fisher
P.E in the Hall, by Mr Fisher
The Christmas Story, by Mr Fisher
Diwali, by Mr Fisher
Lots more learning in FS2..., by Mr Fisher
Home Learning, by Mr Fisher
A great last week of the half term, by Mr Fisher
Growing in confidence..., by Mr Fisher
Lots more learning..., by Mr Fisher
Developing gross and fine motor skills, by Mr Fisher
Lots of exciting learning, by Mr Fisher
A fantastic start!, by Mr Fisher